Iraq Reverse Lookup
Phone number in Kut, Iraq: +964 - 23 - Local Number
Country: Iraq
Country code: 964
Area Code 23: Kut
Capital of Iraq: Baghdad
Local Time:
Time Zone: Arabia Standard Time (AST)
+964-23 Iraq reverse phone lookup
964-23 phone numbers Location: Kut
How to call Iraq from:
International Calling Codes - How to Call to and from Iraq
from USA landline: 011 + 964 + area code + 6-to-7-digit local number
from USA mobile: +964 + mobile code + 6-to-7-digit local number
How to make calls within Iraq: 0 + area code + 6-to-7-digit local number
from USA mobile: +964 + mobile code + 6-to-7-digit local number
How to make calls within Iraq: 0 + area code + 6-to-7-digit local number
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Iraq
Iraq Phone Numbers: +964 + Area Code + Local Number
Iraq Phone Numbers: +964 + Area Code + Local Number
Iraq Reverse Lookup: +964 + 23 + Phone Number
Country Information
Country: IraqCountry Code: 964
Iraq Area Code 23: Kut
Exit Code: 00
Iraq Population: 29,671,605
Continent: Asia & Middle East