Australia Reverse Lookup
Phone number in Ballarat, Australia: +61 - 3 - 53 - Local Number
Country: Australia
Country code: 61
State: Victoria
Area Code 3: see starting digits below
Starting Digits 53: Ballarat, Ararat, Areegra, Aubrey, Bacchus Marsh, Ballan, Ballarat, Balliang, Ballyrogan, Bangerang, Banyena, Beaufort Vic, Berrambool, Beulah, Blackwood Vic, Boolite, Boyeo, Brim, Brimpaen, Broughton, Buangor, Bullarto, Buninyong, Burrumbeet, Byrneville, Callawadda, Cape Clear, Cardigan, Carranballac, Chatsworth, Clear Lake, Clunes Vic, Coghills Creek, Creswick, Crowlands, Crymelon, Dadswells Bridge, Daylesford, Diapur, Dimboola, Dooen, Dunmunkle, Elaine, Ellam, Elmhurst, Evansford, Gerang Gerung, Glenisla, Glenlee, Glenlyon, Glenorchy Vic, Gordon, Goroke, Grass Flat, Great Western, Green Lake, Green\'s Creek, Grenville, Gymbowen, Haddon Vic, Halls Gap, Homecroft, Horsham, Jeparit, Kalkee, Kaniva, Katyil, Kenmare, Laharum, Laharum North, Lake Bolac, Landsborough Vic, Learmonth, Leonard\'s Hill, Linton, Lorquon, Lower Norton, Lubeck, Mannibadar, Marnoo, Maroona, Mckenzie Creek, Mena Park, Minimay, Mininera, Minyip, Mitre, Mockinya, Mount Wallace, Moyston, Murtoa, Myrniong, Napoleons, Natimuk, Navarre, Nerrin Nerrin, Netherby, Newlyn, Nhill, Parwan, Pimpinio, Polkemmett, Pomonal, Quantong, Raglan Vic, Rainbow, Rokewood, Rowsley, Rupanyup, Scarsdale, Serviceton, Sheep Hills, Skipton, Smeaton, Snake Valley, St Helens Plains, Stawell, Stockyard Hill, Stoneleigh, Streatham, Tarranyurk, Tatyoon, Telangatuk, Telopea Downs, Wallup, Warracknabeal, Warrak, Waubra, Wickliffe, Wilkur, Willaura, Willaura North, Willenabrina, Winiam, Woorak, Yaapeet, Yanac, Yendon, Youngvale
Capital of Australia: Canberra
Local Time:
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (Victoria) (EST)
Starting digits for area code 3 include: 7, 8, 9, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
Mobile codes for Australia: 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 438, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 458, 466
Australia reverse phone lookup
61-3-53 phone numbers Location: Ballarat, Ararat, Areegra, Aubrey, Bacchus Marsh, Ballan, Ballarat, Balliang, Ballyrogan, Bangerang, Banyena, Beaufort Vic, Berrambool, Beulah, Blackwood Vic, Boolite, Boyeo, Brim, Brimpaen, Broughton, Buangor, Bullarto, Buninyong, Burrumbeet, Byrneville, Callawadda, Cape Clear, Cardigan, Carranballac, Chatsworth, Clear Lake, Clunes Vic, Coghills Creek, Creswick, Crowlands, Crymelon, Dadswells Bridge, Daylesford, Diapur, Dimboola, Dooen, Dunmunkle, Elaine, Ellam, Elmhurst, Evansford, Gerang Gerung, Glenisla, Glenlee, Glenlyon, Glenorchy Vic, Gordon, Goroke, Grass Flat, Great Western, Green Lake, Green\'s Creek, Grenville, Gymbowen, Haddon Vic, Halls Gap, Homecroft, Horsham, Jeparit, Kalkee, Kaniva, Katyil, Kenmare, Laharum, Laharum North, Lake Bolac, Landsborough Vic, Learmonth, Leonard\'s Hill, Linton, Lorquon, Lower Norton, Lubeck, Mannibadar, Marnoo, Maroona, Mckenzie Creek, Mena Park, Minimay, Mininera, Minyip, Mitre, Mockinya, Mount Wallace, Moyston, Murtoa, Myrniong, Napoleons, Natimuk, Navarre, Nerrin Nerrin, Netherby, Newlyn, Nhill, Parwan, Pimpinio, Polkemmett, Pomonal, Quantong, Raglan Vic, Rainbow, Rokewood, Rowsley, Rupanyup, Scarsdale, Serviceton, Sheep Hills, Skipton, Smeaton, Snake Valley, St Helens Plains, Stawell, Stockyard Hill, Stoneleigh, Streatham, Tarranyurk, Tatyoon, Telangatuk, Telopea Downs, Wallup, Warracknabeal, Warrak, Waubra, Wickliffe, Wilkur, Willaura, Willaura North, Willenabrina, Winiam, Woorak, Yaapeet, Yanac, Yendon, Youngvale
How to call Australia from:
International Calling Codes - How to Call to and from Australia
from USA landline: 011 + 61 + starting digits + 8-digit local number
from USA mobile: +61 + mobile code + 8-digit local number
How to make calls within Australia: 0 + starting digits + 8-digit local number
from USA mobile: +61 + mobile code + 8-digit local number
How to make calls within Australia: 0 + starting digits + 8-digit local number
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Australia
Australia Phone Numbers: +61 + Area Code + Local Number
Australia Phone Numbers: +61 + Area Code + Local Number
Australia Reverse Lookup: +61 + 3 + Phone Number
Country Information
Country: AustraliaCountry Code: 61
Exit Code: 0011
Australia Population: 21,515,754
Continent: Australia & Pacific