South Africa Reverse Lookup

Phone number in Mpumalanga, South Africa: +27 - 13 - Local Number
Country: South Africa
Country code: 27
Province: KwaZulu-Natal / Limpopo / Mpumalang
Area Code 13: Mpumalanga, Acornhoek, Arabiedam, ... (cities listed below)
Capital of South Africa: Pretoria (administrative); Cape Town (legislative); Bloemfontein (judiciary)
Local Time:
Time Zone: South Africa Standard Time (SAST)
Mobile codes for South Africa: 6, 7, 8, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84
+27-13 South Africa reverse phone lookup
27-13 phone numbers Location: Mpumalanga, Acornhoek, Arabiedam, Arnot, Babethu, Balmoral, Barberton, Belfast, Blinkpan, Boleu, Bosbokrand, Bronkhorstspruit, Burgersfort, Buthi, Coalville, Coldoug, Delmas, Dennilton, Dienje, Douglas Mine, Douglas Village, Driekop, Dullstroom, Ekhandizwe, Elandsfontein, Emakhazeni, Emalahleni, Emgwenya, Entokozweni, Gamarota, Glen Cowie, Graskop, Groblersdal, Hazyview, Hectorspruit, Hendrina, Hluvukani, Imbongozi, Jerusalem, Kaapmuiden, Kabokweni, Kameelpoort, Kanyamazane, Kendal, Komatipoort, Kwalugedlane, Kwamhlanga, Kwamhluswa, Kwazamokuhle, Laersdrif, Leopard Creek, Lesedi Village, Low's Creek, Lydenburg, Machadodorp, Magelembe, Malalane, Malelane, Marble Hall, Marishane, Mashishing, Matjhirini, Matsulu, Mbibane, Mbombela, Meerlus, Middelburg, Mkhuhlu, Moganyaka, Motetema, Mpudulle, Mpumalanga (KwaZulu-Natal), Msongelwa, Naledi, Nelspruit, Ngodwana, Noordkaap, Nsikazi, Ogies, Ohrigstad, Phokwane (Limpopo), Phola, Pilgrim's Rest, Pullen's Hope, Rietkuil, Rietspruit, Roossenekal, Sabie, Schagen, Sekhukhune, Shatale, Shongwe Mission, Sidu, Simpkinsvale, Siyabuswa, Siyathuthuka, Skukuza, Somarobogo, Steelpoort, Stoffberg, Sundra, Thulamahashe, Tubatse, Uthokozani, Van Dyksdrif, Verena, Voltargo, Waterval Boven, Witbank, Witrivier, Wolwekrans

How to call South Africa from:
International Calling Codes - How to Call to and from South Africa
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in South Africa
South Africa Phone Numbers: +27 + Area Code + Local Number

South Africa Reverse Lookup: +27 + 13 + Phone Number

Country Information
Country: South Africa
Country Code: 27
South Africa Area Code 13: Mpumalanga, Acornhoek, Arabiedam, ... (cities listed below)
Exit Code: 00
South Africa Population: 49,000,000
Continent: Africa