Trinidad and Tobago Reverse Lookup
Trinidad and Tobago phone number: +1 - 868 - XXX-XXXX
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Country code: 1
Capital of Trinidad and Tobago: Port-of-Spain
Area code 868: Adelphi, Arima, Arnos Vale, ... (cities listed below)
Local Time:
Trinidad and Tobago is 1 of 25 NANP Countries.
Trinidad and Tobago Area codes: 868
Trinidad and Tobago Mobile Exchange Codes: 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 285, 289, 620, 678, 710, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 757, 758, 759, 775, 776, 777, 778, 779
+1-868 Trinidad and Tobago reverse phone lookup
1-868 phone numbers Location: Adelphi, Arima, Arnos Vale, Arouca, Auzonville, Avocat, Balmain, Barataria, Belle Garden, Ben Lomond, Bethel, Black Rock, Bon Accord Village, Bonasse, Bonne Aventure, Borde Narve Village, Bourg Mulatresse, Brickfield, Brighton, Buccoo, California, Canaan, Carapichaima, Carenage, Carli Bay, Castara, Cedar Hill, Cedros, Chaguanas, Chaguaramas, Chandernagore Village, Charlotteville, Chase Village, Churkoo Village, Claxton Bay, Cocorite, Couva, Culloden Bay, Cunupia, Curepe, Debe, Delaford, Diego Martin, Dinsley, Easterfield, Eckel Village, Edinburgh, El Dorado, El Socorro, Endeavour, Enterprise, Erin, Exchange Village, Felicity, Fifth Company, Fishing Pond, Flanigin Town, Forres Park, Four Roads, Freeport, Friendship Village, Fullarton, Fyzabad, Gasparillo, Glamorgan, Glencoe, Golconda, Gonzales, Goodwood Park, Gran Couva, Grande Riviere, Guaico, Guanapo, Guapo, Guayaguayare, Gulf View, Hindustan, Icacos, Iere Village, John John, Jordan Hill, Kernaham, L'Anse Mitan, La Brea, La Canoa, La Horquetta, La Romaine, Lambeau, Las Cuevas, Laventille, Lengua, Trinidad and Tobago, Les Coteaux, Longdenville, Louis D'Or, Lowlands, Macoya, Mairao Village, Marabella, Maracas, Maraval, Mason Hall, Matelot, Matura, Mayaro, Mayo, McBean, Mohammedville, Mon Repos, Montgomery, Montrose, Montserrat, Moriah, Morne Diablo, Moruga, Morvant, Mt Pleasant, Mt St George, Mt Stewart, Mucurapo, New Grant, Orange Hill, Palmyra, Palo Seco, Pembroke, Penal, Petit Trou, Petit Valley, Phoenix Park, Piarco, Pierreville, Piparo, Plaisance, Plaisance Park, Plymouth, Point Fortin, Point Lisas, Pointe-à-Pierre, Port of Spain, Preysal, Princes Town, Providence, Quarry Village, Rampanalgas, Redhead, Rio Claro, Riseland, Rockly Vale, Roussillac, Roxborough, Sainte Madeleine, San Fernando, San Fernando City, San Juan, Sangre Chiquito, Sangre Grande, Santa Flora, Santa Rosa, Savonetta, Scarborough, Signal Hill, Siparia, Speyside, St. Augustine, St. Clair, St. James, St. Joseph, St. Mary's, Syne Village, Tabaquite, Tacarigua, Talparo, Teschier, Teschier Village, Thick Village, Third Company, Toco, Tortuga, Trincity, Tunapuna, Union Village, Valencia, Valsayn, Vega de Oropouche, Vessigny, Vistabella, Waterloo, Westmoorings, Whiteland, Williamsville
How to call Trinidad and Tobago from:
International Calling Codes - How to Call to and from Trinidad and Tobago
from USA landline: 1 + 868 + 7-digit local number
from USA mobile: +1 + 868 + 7-digit local number
How to make calls within Trinidad and Tobago: 1 + area code + 7-digit local number
from USA mobile: +1 + 868 + 7-digit local number
How to make calls within Trinidad and Tobago: 1 + area code + 7-digit local number
International Calling Codes: How to Dial Phone Numbers in Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago Phone Numbers: +1 + Area Code + Local Number
Trinidad and Tobago Phone Numbers: +1 + Area Code + Local Number
International calling to and from 1-868 Phone Numbers
Best results for Trinidad and Tobago Reverse Phone Lookup; 1 + Area Code + 7-digits!
International dialing format; Exit Code + Country Code + Subscriber Number
Exit Code 011: USA, Canada, Nanp Countries and U.S. territories.
International dialing format; Exit Code + Country Code + Subscriber Number
Exit Code 011: USA, Canada, Nanp Countries and U.S. territories.