Phone Books of the World

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White & Yellow Pages Phone Books - International Email Search

North America & Caribbean Islands - USA Yellow Books
Super Pages - Go to the Yellow Pages by - Search for a local business at by business name or category.

South America & Central America - Suriname Yellow Books
Suriname Yellow Pages - Find a business in the Suriname Yellow Pages - by business type. Left side, Choose language: English/Dutch, Choose Section: Yellow Pages. The phone book is in English and Dutch.
Yellowpages of Suriname - Search for businesses in the Yellowpages of Suriname - by keyword, category or business name.
Europe - Sweden Yellow Books
Lokaldelen Yellow Pages - Search businesses in the Sweden Yellow Pages - by company name, keyword, and location. Lookup businesses by categories, banks, dentists, florists, hotels and motels, local restaurants, travel and more.
Eniro Yellow Pages - Search businesses in the Sweden Yellow Pages - Eniro Gula Sidorn by company name, keyword, phone number and location. Lookup by top categories, banks, dentists, embassies, hotels and motels, hostels, restaurants, travel and more.

Africa - Ghana Yellow Books
Ghana Telephone Directory - Search businesses in the Ghana Yellow Pages - by category, company name, or type of business, and location.
Ghana Pages Jaunes - Search businesses in the Ghana Yellow Pages - Choose a category and select the country, Ghana.

Asia & Middle East - Saudi Arabia Yellow Books
Saudi M3 Pages - Search businesses in the Saudi Arabia Yellow Pages - Easy to search yellow pages by name or by category. Select locations by region. The phone book is in Arabic and English.
Saudi Arabia Yoolk - Lookup businesses in the Saudi Arabia Yoolk Pages - Lookup by name or browse by category, and choose a location in Saudi Arabia.

Australia & Pacific - Samoa Yellow Books
Samoa Business Directory - Lookup businesses in the Samoa Telephone Book - Search businesses by name or type. This directory seems to be outdated.